DC demographic changes in miniature
Well C moved out this past weekend. She and her kids. I guess the last tax assessment was the last straw. I never saw the house up for sale. There was never a sign out front. Our neighborhood handyman, mentioned it and said 'everyone has a price.' It must have been a pretty good price because C had a strong reason to stay. Her parents lived just a couple of doors down. Really. Kids would run from her house to their grandparents house in a matter of seconds. Can you say free babysitting? Her kids seem to play well with the kids already on the block as they would all tear up and down the sidewalk, throwing the ball around, rough housing, doing what kids do. They were good kids. Now she's gone. One less black family. Fewer kids on the block. Fewer playmates for the kids who remain.Her replacement, from what I can tell, is European-American, has no kids, but does have a dog (I tell you this block is going to the dogs), and didn't see a significant other. 1 replaces 3.
I worry about changing demographics and especially if there will be any kids in the neighborhood. But, I often feel looking at it one house at a time can skew results and perspectives.
For instance a rental house near us just got switched to a couple with a kid on the way. But other properties go to condo and youngsters or empty nesters.
I believe my roomate is selling the house I live in and rent due to the rising due to the tax assessments as well. That and a 3-story half of a duplex is just too much for an unmotivated person without renovation skills. His salary, which is about the same as mine, does not allow him to afford to renovate the 1st floor, which could be used for rental space as well, but is only storage space now. He's moving to a smaller, more manageable condo which will be easier for him to clean up.
The detached Addams Family-like house on the north side of T between 5th and 6th (just East of the church which was also sold), NW just sold for a whopping $1.625 million! Granted, it has a yard, parking space, and a guest house that has two, 2-bedroom rental units in it. Realtors on Crack.
i think that there is a program that allows those that graduate district high schools to attend state universities at in state costs.
also, why are charter schools a joke?
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