Posting late in the day 'cause I'm sick.Well I'm getting the summer veggies now. Yes, I could cook up the squash flowers but right now just now in the mood to cook. Anything.
posted by Mari @ 15.6.05
History, me complaining, history, stuff about the immediate hood (Truxton Circle) and the surrounding neighborhood (Shaw), gentrification, demographics, and some more history.
This started as InShaw Now With More Gentrification which eventually moved to Now I mainly do Truxton Circle History, as I am the #1 expert in that topic! I created other blogs to serve a need or an itch.
Posts Pondering Gentrification
Entries On Joys of Homeowning and Home Repair
Urban growth and compost
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Those look fabulous! You do good work.
I'm Jealous! Were those grown in a pot? I'll have to try that next year. Where did you get your large pots? I'm having a hard time finding large rectangular pots. I am unused to pot gardening.
But, I've been surprised at how fast seeds planted late will grow. It only takes 'em like 3 days in July, as opposed to 2 weeks in the chilly soils of April. It really does help to be patient.
Well the pots are on loan from B & IT. They are really good pots with a water reserve at the bottom. I have 3 squash plants in one (2 decent and one pitiful squash). Also squash leaves are big and showy.
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