Thursday, July 21, 2005

On the metro

You know the person in the next seat is an alcoholic when they are clearly mixing their Gin & Juice on the Metro. Okay not G&J but something else. This guy on the Green Line heading to Branch Ave had his little brown bag and his cup and saw him pour a little vodka from his Absolut bottle into his cup. Maybe Metro should look into a bar car, get so extra revenue by mixing drinks for people.
Speaking of revenues, I hope Metro is getting a ton of money from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine who have the "Got Lactose Intolerance? Take Legal Action" ads all over. First, I noticed them on the bus (in PG County) to work. Then I started seeing the ads on other buses that go through Shaw. And in the Shaw metro station on the R St. side there is a big ad. Any moment I expect a metro bus or train to be wrapped in one of those ads.
Part of me really doubts anyone, besides the lawyers, will get any real money from a lawsuit with the milk industry. From looking at the site listed on the ads it seems the sponsoring organization just wants to promote a vegan diet. Fine, but the whole lawsuit thing bothers me.
Yeah. I'm black. I have a small lactose intolerance. And I drink milk. Why? Because nothing is better than a cold glass of 1% to go with your slice of dense chocolate mouse cake. Okay, not nothing. A good rich Shiraz or Merlot, but you can't drive after several glasses of those.


At 7/21/2005 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good rich Shiraz or Merlot, but you can't drive after several glasses of those.

That's why they put the signs on the Metro. ;-)

About the lawsuit, why does anyone get to sue the milk industry because they can't drink milk. Did the milk industry conspire to pour milk down people's throats while they slept, causing them to have allergic reactions? Do I get to sue God for creating tree pollen, something I'm allergic to?

At 7/21/2005 9:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

There is a lot more about the PCRM (which seems to be greatly lacking in the Physician department) over at the Radley Balko (of The Agitator fame) site Spurlock Watch. They come across as a militant version of PeTA.

At 7/21/2005 10:21 AM, Blogger Mari said...

This is America and we can sue over anything. Winning, well that's a whole 'nother story, but suing no problem. Which I why I think the whole thing is stupid, after lawyers fees people will probably get just enough for a ride on the metro, if that.

I followed the link and with the comment "Through lawsuits, intimidation, and stealth media placement, they're trying to push the vegan lifestyle."
STEALTH? Bahhawa! Their ads have been like spam, everywhere on the metro. Well, at least the routes I travel they are everywhere. I get the feeling they are targeting Afr-Amers and Latinos. Have these ads been seen in Bethesda or King Street or Vienna stations?

At 7/21/2005 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

allow me to jump in before you guys start bashing all vegetarians/vegans :)

PCRM is a front group for PETA. they started out independent, but assumed that role once PCRM's leader, Dr. Neal Barnard, became PETA head Ingrid Newkirk's boyfriend.

Now, I'm a veg, but disagree w/ both of these groups' tactics. Just like I'm a gun owner, but hate the NRA. None of these groups speak for me, & none advocate common sense & represent the fringes. Like many PETA campaigns, the lactose thing is to generate publicity & awareness, using their usual subtlety. They probably turn off as many people as they recruit, & unfortunately they cloudy up the waters of legitimate issues.

At 7/21/2005 9:48 PM, Blogger Mari said...

My problem is not with vegans, my problem is with the ads all over, in minority neighborhoods and routes, making it seem that we (blacks/latinos) lack common sense so we can be willing pawns in some PCRM vs Dairy game. Yes, the tatics are bad, but I bet it sounded really good in the boardroom when it was thought up.

At 7/22/2005 12:48 AM, Blogger go.123 said...

"Speaking of revenues, I hope Metro is getting a ton of money from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine who have the "Got Lactose Intolerance? Take Legal Action" ads all over."

I like the astroturfer "" ones. Its like the battle of the century: Lobbyists vs. Science.

At 7/22/2005 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, alot of things probably sound good in PETA/PCRM's boardrooms, because they are living in their own bubble. But don't feel singled out, they have targeted campaigns like that to everyone.

actus is right about the battle though...and guess who's got more money :)

At 7/22/2005 11:30 AM, Blogger kob said...

Shiraz with cake? I dunno about that.

I do like the idea of a bar car on Metro; a happy hour with french fry appetizers.

At 7/22/2005 3:36 PM, Blogger Mari said...

You have some other suggestion for a decent wine pairing? In my house there is either a merlot or a shiraz on hand, I break those out when I'm low on milk but high on chocolate. A dessert wine would not be a good pairing, I don't think. I typically have a port around (not right now I'm out and need to make a booze run) and the port chocolate pairing just doesn't work for me unless the chocolate is super bitter.

At 7/25/2005 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try being a caucasian from Wisconsin and not discovering you're lactose intolerant until you reach 30. Lactaid is NOT an option for sale in WI grocery stores. You drink whole milk and you better like it! Lactose intolerance isn't even a concept in the Midwest, and I always wondered why I got gas after a trip to Dairy Queen. Thankfully, most of the stores in DC carry the blessed drink, my savior, Lactaid.


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