Someone out there
Someone out there wants a house. They want a historic but very modern 3-4 bedroom house, inside the Beltway, very close to cool restaurants, with parking, in a safe neighborhood, with good schools, and maybe a big yard. AND they want it for less than $300K.Yeah, I laugh too.
Well I try not to laugh directly in their faces.
Here's another one. Young man with seed money from his parents wants to buy a fixer upper in the 'up and coming' neighborhoods of Pentworth or Columbia Heights or Shaw, anywhere in NW. And he has something in the $200K range.
Young man is one of my co-worker's kid. My co-worker, Big Boss Man (for those of you who read the boring personal blog), is shocked, SHOCKED! I Say. About the prices for shells (what few are left) in neighborhoods where we still have crackhos and bums.
As people told me when I first moved in here, you should have bought 5 years ago. Yeah, not the most helpful advice. But basically, that moment when you could buy an el cheapo house and fix it up in Shaw for less than $200K. Gone. No more. Come back later when the economy has tanked and we've elected someone like a crack smoker for mayor.
Crack smoker for mayor! YES! Down with housing prices!!!
Jim I gather you will first in line to volunteer for any Marion Barry for Mayor campaign?
Baltimore. They need to move to Baltimore. We're all out of cheap housing in hot neighborhoods around here.
We need to reelect Marion Barry so that we have some really good yard sales again. The quality of goods and prices have suffered under Mayor Williams.
Come back later when the economy has tanked and we've elected someone like a crack smoker for mayor.
That's the plan!
Young man may still be able to afford to buy in Trinidad, Ivy City and east of the river.
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