Thursday, August 11, 2005

1910 Census 1400 block of North Capitol

Mess of immigrant I-Talians. And Yiddish speaking Russians.
In 1910 at 1428 North Capitol lived the Chite (with an accent over the e) family. There were 8 people in that house and poppa Chite was a shoemaker with his own shop.
1426 North Capitol had 4 Albinos where poppa Albino was a propieter of a fruit store.
1416 North Capitol had 6 Figliozzis. The breadwinner Mr. Figliozzi was a barber in his own shop.
Then there were the German Kellers living at 1422 & 1420 North Cap. Keller Senior from Germany at 1420 and his DC born son and his family next door.
1414 North Capitol lived the Yiddish speaking Shappiros from Russia and next door were other Russian (can I dare to guess bc of language?) Jews, the Schneiders at 1412 North Capitol. A few doors down at 1404 were the Kitts, also Jews from Russia.
At the end of the block at 1400 North Capitol was Mr. Sullivan a liqour swilling bar keep and Irish immigrant and his household of 10 people.
Okay here is the Sullivan family. Well because I've been trying to speed the research along by just looking at the head of household and spouse and only looking at the rest of the house for numbers of adults and children, I totally missed the 2 African American servants living in the Sullivan household and counted them as family. Click on the image for a better view of the census page. At the bottom are Mr. and Ms. Taylor, servants. So the whiskey swilling barkeep had 2 servants, 1 wife, and 6 kids.


At 8/11/2005 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe... and now people are putting additions onto their rowhouses because they aren't spacious enough for *2* people! Imagine having 10 people living in one of them?

- JM

At 8/11/2005 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen these houses. The idea of 10, or 8 or 6 people in them?

Just makes me happy for modern ideas of family size.

At 8/12/2005 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog today, and wanted to give you kudos for your thoughtful, honest observations.

Census research alternates being fun and tedious, but always beats looking up permit histories hands down. Been doing that for parts of LeDroit Park, and it's driving me mad!

At 8/12/2005 7:42 AM, Blogger Mari said...

Would rather slit my wrists with a thousand papercuts than do a big permit history search. Lucky my interest is in the demographics and less on architecture and buildings. Occassionally, I do write about my census research, where my lofty goal is to do the 1880, 1900-1930 censuses for Tract #46, aka Truxton Circle, which in 1910 was tract nos. 162, & 29-31. I'm sure there's another tract in there. Problem, there are between 500-1000 households to look at per census year. That's a lot of people. I can imagine the amount of research needed for just one property.


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