Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Joe Mamo's proposed building up for review

Normally this would go over to the semi-neglected announcements section of InShaw but I figured this message from Jim should be posted here. I believe the meeting is tonight, Tuesday 9/20 at 7pm (ignore the word "tomorrow").

If we have a quorum at tomorrow night's meeting, it is likely that we will be asked to endorse the concept of building condominiums (with retail establishments on fhe first floor) on the lot that Mr. Mamo owns at Florida Avenue and North Capitol Street, NW. A number of you have expressed concerns to me about the scale of the project (i.e., a nine story building with a foot print that would seem to be out of line with the pre-existing structures on the block) and many of you don't seem to have a problem with Mr. Mamo's plans, if they are implemented as presented in various community meetings.
If you feel strongly about this project, one way or the other, I suggest that you attend tomorrow night's meeting. It will be located at 635 Edgewood Terrace, NW on the 9th floor of the senior building. If you can't make it to the meeting tomorrow, but have feelings about this project that you want factored into the ANC's analysis of Mr. Mamo's proposal, I encourage you to email them to me as soon as possible. If you decide to communicate your feelings by email, I will not consider those that are conveyed to me anonymously to be valid. That is, please put your name and address on this correspondence.
I thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Jim Berry


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