Monday, November 14, 2005

WP: Covers the corner of 14th and T

Anyway we talked for a long time about today's WP article where my very respected co-worker played devil's advocate. He hasn't read yesterday's first part of the article, which is more of the same. Holy Rollers go bye-bye for $10 mill. Personally, I'd go bye-bye for $5 million, but then again I don't own a warehouse building along a commerical strip.
ANCs did not sit well with him. Said they were as bad as HOAs. No ANCs are not as bad, cause I can paint my house lime green and put on a purple door and set out a flock of pink flamingos and gnomes in my front yard and there isn't a dang thing no ANC or council person or anyone can do about it. I got purple paint. I got 4 flamingos. I could do it.


At 11/14/2005 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get those flamingos out girl. DO IT!!! I can advise on which shades of purple you could use. I'd recommend a lavendar shade circa Prince's mansion in Minneapolis circa 1989 or so. Paint the fence pink and call it "Pink Cashmere," with the shade of purple being "Purple Party Mix" at your local Home Depot.

At 11/14/2005 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I though the lines about the Saint-X guys whining about the upscaleness of their crowd was just too much. They wanted a place for bike couriers, artists and lawyers? Then why serve that menu and belgian beers? And then they're upset at the 'spaghetti strap dresses getting out of cabs' to enter their bar! This is DC, what did they expect?

At 11/14/2005 7:22 PM, Blogger dc gal said...

"I can paint my house lime green and put on a purple door and set out a flock of pink flamingos and gnomes in my front yard..."

Funny!!! Mari, thanks for the laugh.

At 11/14/2005 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who would ever paint their house lime green??? That would be stupid!

Owner of lime green house in Truxton

At 11/15/2005 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the owner of Cafe St Ex also neglected to mention that he and his lawyer wife recently sold their house at 13th and T for 831K (asking was 779k). Crying all the way to the bank???


At 11/15/2005 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To his (Saint X) credit though, he does appear to be moving east to open a new place. The followup piece mentioned his scooter was taken at gunpoint. At least he's still got the adventurous spirit.

At 11/15/2005 10:39 AM, Blogger Mari said...

As one who has been interviewed by the Post before, they don't throw everything (thank G-d) you say in the article. Also why people be hatin' on Mike? If I sold my house now I'd make enough to live pretty in Latin America or very rural parts of Florida for years, maybe a decade even, without working. Would I be worthy of contempt?
What do bike couriers drink?
The whole thing with Jennifers gettin out of the cab has to do with Cafe St-X becoming a destination restaurant rather than a neighborhood hangout.
Hopefully in the next year or two or three on this end of Shaw we'll get a neighborhood tavern/restaurant hangout whatever on North Cap like the early St-X. I mentioned this to co-worker MK and he busted my chops for wanting a sit down restaurant. Mentioned it to co-worker JB and she was happy as it would be a lunch option for her hubby at XM.

At 11/15/2005 11:12 AM, Blogger modthinglet said...

Sort of off topic. My husband and I are looking a purchasing what could only be described as a funny little house on the 1500 block of 9th street between P and Q. I've read everything I can regarding the boarded up buildings on this strip, and there was some talk that the church was considering doing something with their abandoned properties. Has anyone heard anything recently? Thanks.

At 11/15/2005 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice that WP took many of my commments out of context. Anne interviewed me over a period of five months and I said (as you can imagine if you have ever had a few beers with me) a lot of things on a lot of topics. Gentrification is a touchy issue and I was worried about the Posts position of a feature story and how it would handle this topic. I believe the article was toothless on the serious issues of affordable housing and crime... and was more of a gossip column in the A section. Anne is a really nice person and lives in the neighborhood. I was hoping for more of a feature that showed the history of our block, the everchanging progress over one hundred years from upscale to decline to upscale. If I have come across as a whiney post-punk restauranteur.... then I hope you'll come into Saint-Ex (or Bar Pilar) and speak with me directly. I think you will see that in fact I have a genuine love for my block... my staff and ALL of my customers. I respect my neighbors and hope that future progress on 14th Street includes the "Mon-n-Pop" indy shop owners that we currently see operating between S & T on 14th. As for "spaghetti strap dresses"... dang... I love them.
Cheers, Mike

At 11/15/2005 11:35 AM, Blogger modthinglet said...

Mike, I have been a resident at around 16th and Q for eight years (renting unfortunately, I am now looking at buying in Shaw or Columbia Heights). When I moved in the building next my apartment was a huge derelict ugly apartment. I can't say I miss the "don't pee here" mural on the liquor store next to the Whole Foods. And if nothing else I am grateful that the Whole Foods took the pressure off the "Soviet Safeway" on 17th. But if it makes you feel any better I am a local and eat at Saint-Ex. And I would loathe it if all the independantly owned shops on 14th were replaced by chains.

At 11/15/2005 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to thank Mike for being a great person to work for. He really is concerned about the big issues, like crime, by attending PSA meeting and ANC hearings. I can also attest that he spends countless hours at Saint-Ex as well as his new spot, Bar Pilar.

At 11/15/2005 12:10 PM, Blogger Mari said...

Modthinglet if your next door neighbor digs out their basement or starts gutting their house run, run I say away and get a lawyer. That block is being attacked by the hole that ate the adjoining building. But you asked about Shiloh, *sigh*. They said according to the City Paper that they'd be doing something within the year. But I'm not all that hopeful. At least they called the dogs off (sort of) on the liquor licenses.

Mike- Thanks for your comments. I do like the small indy shops along 14th like Go Momma Go! Pulp, and my fav the Garden District. I want more of that, more independently owned small businesses. It is even better when the owners live in the District or even the general area!

At 11/15/2005 12:25 PM, Blogger modthinglet said...

Mari, thanks for your thoughts. Things are looking pretty good for us to make an offer on the house, because the price and space are right. (I'm just concerned about overpaying because no matter what the market does this will always be a weird little house with a mismatched building on one side) Luckily the houses on both sides are already occupied one is retail one is a home. The matching house on one side is too small to do anything with and I think they've already done maximum extensions on the other.
BTW: I read that city paper article, which is why I was wondering whether anyone had heard whether Shiloh was actually doing anything.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

Oh and I was thinking about going with a nice yellow color for the house, but perhaps a lime green...

At 11/15/2005 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry. Guess there were things taken out of context to make the story "better". Thanks for providing some background. And yes, the final result seemed more like a profile suited for the "Style" section versus a true news story!


At 11/15/2005 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I do enjoy eating at Saint-X -- even though I'm a student and its a bit of an indulgence for me. And I do understand that being quoted in the press can lead you to being mischaracterized. I'm happy that you started Saint-X and I'm happy that you're continuing your business ventures as they look like they are good things to have in the neighborhood.

Thanks for the clarification.

At 11/16/2005 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just went through my December issue of In Style magazine and Cafe Saint-Ex is mentioned on their list of 46 of the best bars in the country! I thought that was interesting. ;-)


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