Confused by Geography
Washington Examiner: Top News covers the changes in NoMa but all that they are describing seem like areas other than NoMa.Okay here are a few things that kinda confused me or gave me some pause:
Five years ago, the area around Florida Avenue and North Capitol streets was trash-strewn, crime-infested and rife with abandoned buildings and warehouses.
Um, the area around Florida and North Cap has trash and people hanging out who never get on the bus and I would not exactly say that the intersection is drug-free. Not yet. Maybe they are talking about the intersection of NY & FL?
Then there were the pictures. There was one of U St. Which is not in the NoMa area as I understand the general area that is NoMa. Besides, we call it U St. Then there are the multicolored door apartments at 6th and L. Is that NoMa? I thought the northern border of NoMa was NY Ave, but I haven't given it much thought. Besides I'm claiming those apartments in the name of Shaw and Mt. Vernon Sq. I just gotta find my flag to plant.
Speaking of Mt. Vernon Sq..... This Old House has invaded and took over a house. It's over on the 1100 block of 5th or 6th St. I enjoyed the web cam. Every housing project needs a web cam. But I was thinking I want an alley cam. Watch the coming and going of who is walking through my alley.
ETC2- I just realize that Truxtonian and I wrote about the same article, and I've updated my link as the article has moved.
wow...I think this writer just moved here from somewhere far away. There are so many problems w/ that article, & it is quite misleading. I think they consider NoMa to be _everything_ north of Mass. Here's what I found on
"Action Item No. 26 under the "Economic Resurgence of Washington, DC, Citizens Plan for Prosperity in the 21st Century" calls for the development of North of Massachusetts Avenue ("NoMa") as a new mixed- use information technology, communications media, arts and entertainment, and housing district in the area from the new Washington Convention Center east to Union Station and north to New York Avenue. This action item creates special financial incentives for technology firms in NoMa by abating or reducing all city taxes."
That's been the definition I've been going by.
Interestingly the area of NoMa only touches on 2 blocks of Mass Ave!
The Mount Vernon Triangle area actually touches more of Mass Ave.
Whatever the neighborhood, I love the picture of the houses on L Street - I used to pass them everyday on my to high school in the late 1970's - when they were last completely gutted and re-habbed.... It's a reminder of how temporary things can be - and also makes me feel old to know that I have already lived through a whole gentrification cycle!
We were pretty confused by this story too.
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