Friday, March 31, 2006

April 1st- Gardening

Ah it is going to be a busy, busy weekend. Besides having to remember to Spring forward (turn your clocks 1 hour ahead) and being April Fools' fool, it is also the first day to plant a lot of stuff according to the University of Maryland (or State of MD) Home and Garden Info Center's planting guide (*PDF). I got all sorts of plants going and I've been pulling the worms from the compost (so they can work on the next batch) and using the compost from Fall's and this Winter's clippings and refuse. Although I am trying to grow some things from seed, I have a feeling that I will give into the tempation and buy whole plants, particularly if they are interesting varieties. Last year I gave in to the Zebra Tomato, takes forever to turn red, but very yummy.
I am tempted to wander over to the National Cathedral's greenhouse (take the 90 bus going to McLean Gardens) to grab some more herbs. Like I need more. Maybe I just want to use the 10% discount (.doc file). There are herbs over at the Garden District, but I have to go out to the Cathedral anyway and try to hunt somebody down. I know I'll stop by the Garden District to at least pick up dirt.
I've told some of you that I am planning to make my yard an all edible yard. Let's see how that works out. I might keep some grass but I wonder if peppermint (for mojitos!) and thyme would make a better ground cover. I also want to plant swiss chard for color. The blueberries are struggling along, making me wonder if I should add more. I'm going to try squash again, but this time in the ground. As I wrote, we'll see.


At 3/31/2006 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3/31/2006 12:09 PM, Blogger Mari said...

Try again but ID yourself.
Webmistress with a problem with anon psotings.

At 3/31/2006 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you said "pick up dirt" do you mean free dirt? How does one do that? I need some dirt (free) for the planter/trash bins on NY and N NW. Free flowers/plants would be good to.

At 3/31/2006 1:06 PM, Blogger Mari said...

Sorry, but the dirt. Not free. Home Despot is having a sale where they are selling 40lbs bags of top soil for $0.98.
Every so often, but not recently, I see free mulch available at various spots (7th &R; 8th & Q; 6th & R).
Hey if you want free flowers I got some roots of a low maintence (just needs moisture) flower I'm getting rid of .... email me (mari at inshaw period com) if you want them.

At 3/31/2006 3:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are on the gardening topic because your posts from last year inspired me to try my own hand at a container garden. (Last year was all about conditioning the front yard and getting something to grow). Anyhow, to answer Caro, the ANC (at least ours does) has funds for tree box "beautification". I'm not sure how the funds are dispersed but you could contact yours to find out and let them know you would put in the labor to make the streetscape nicer.
Mari...thanks for the tip on topsoil.

At 3/31/2006 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mari, hope you don't mind that I'm using this space to reply to Jumbo Chic. Thanks for the tip Jumbo Chic. Actually, we (Hanover Area) through the work of Sylvia Matthews and company got some funding from DCDOTranspo for tree boxes and plants/flowers for them. You should see them on unit blocks of P,O ,N and 1300-1400 block of first in a few months. I just wanted to work on these planters because its a small job that can be done in less than an hour. (I think) Hopefully the lousy litterbugs will be mesmerized by the beautiful flora and wait till they get to a proper trash receptacle to get rid of thier trash. Yeah right.


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