Thursday, April 13, 2006

Space and gardening

Well I was happy to read in the Post (see it's good for something) that I'm not the only one who plants things very close. I threw some salad green seeds in a pot without taking into account how far apart seeds were from each other. Once they sprouted and got a few leaves, I thinned them out by making salad for that night. I plan to keep thinning them until it makes sense only to take off a few leaves, as opposed to clipping the whole plant out.
Baby salad is quite nice. I can't wait till I get some peas to add with them. By the time the tomatoes ripen it maybe too hot for salad. Last year I let the soil dry out and they never came back. The corn salad (mache) was more forgiving and actually survived the winter. Yet, it is not as tasty as the other salad greens.


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