Wednesday, May 17, 2006

If you own a black and white cat....

...don't move into this neighborhood. More particularly, don't move into Northern Truxton Circle. So yesterday I go out back to get my garbage can to bring to the front (because if you haven't gotten the 10 zillion e-mails from Jim Berry reminding you that Wednesday is the new trash day, today, trash day) when I find 4 puffy little kittens on my doorstep. They were feral kitties, because one of the little guys hissed at me. If trapped, and spayed and neutered, they might be able to be adopted and turned into fat lazy house cats. I was describing this to the cat people of Square 507 and started off with, "they are black and white..." Yeah. Stop right there. Most of the feral cats around here are black and white. It is like a rule that you can't be a cat unless you are black and white. So, I really should have known better with describing them as black and white, which is as descriptive as "cat with a tail."
Sometime back someone lost their black and white house cat and put up signs. Sadly, it was a black and white cat. The difference between that cat and the NoTC colony, it was fatter. But with the cat people feeding the alley cats, fat is sort of relative.


At 5/17/2006 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me know when you see them again, and I will come over with my trap. Any idea who's feeding them?


At 5/17/2006 11:01 AM, Blogger Mari said...

When I went out there I also found a piece of meat. It was so stinky and smelly and covered with ants that I really didn't look close. So I'm guessing the cats found some 'carry out' and carried to my backyard. I put out some milk when I saw the kittens.
Mom has made several visits to my backyard before. Cats and other small critters can get into my yard real easy. I'll give you a call if I see (or smell) evidence of them again.

At 5/17/2006 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok- you know where to find me. Also, be careful with giving them milk. It could lead to diarrhea. Plain old water is good.


At 5/17/2006 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a couple of traps too if you need more. Lindy is an experienced trapper in the mold of the old beaver pelt trappers circa 1850. She has a nose for wild animals. Probably why she took me in.


At 5/17/2006 12:52 PM, Blogger jaime said...

I'm not sure if Kelly or Justin above are associated with Alley Cat Allies, but they were fantastic with our backyard litter of feral cats. Our neighbors (who we share food duties with) handled calling them and the deposit for the traps (which I believe was refunded after the job). The kitties were trapped, spayed and neutered, and returned to us. Sure, we're still feeding them daily, but those 6 won't multiply into 36 this summer, etc. Now, if only I'd stop finding dead birds and squirrel tails in the backyard....

At 5/17/2006 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife got involved with them a few years ago and that is how we came into the traps. There are some very dedicated people from that organization in the neighborhood. Glad to see that you did the trapping in your yard. Alley Cat Allies has a once a month trapping so you can probably just call them next time for that and have someone come over and try to get them. Some people who trap take pride in eliminating the populations of feral cats but I think that having some around is a good thing because, to be honest, I have yet to see a mouse or rat anywhere around my house. Clearly you are feeding the cats just enough so that they still hunt for survival. Isn't it amazing that they are fast enough to catch birds and squirrels? They like you or else they would not leave you a present.


At 5/17/2006 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I worked at Alley Cat Allies for 5 years. They taught me everything I know. Mari, you just need to become a cat lady. It would make things alot easier. ;)


At 5/17/2006 2:50 PM, Blogger Mari said...

I'm already a hair bun away from being a stereotypical bitter barren spinster librarian. I can't get a cat till I get married, or embrace the old librarian image.

At 5/17/2006 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get a tiger. Then you will have a cat and be bucking the spinster librarian stereotype. Plus you could then cancel your ADT alarm system.


At 5/17/2006 4:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second the tiger idea. And you should walk him all up and down our street! I have a feeling we could solve LOTS of problems with that. Do it. I won't report you to the authorities.


At 5/17/2006 8:03 PM, Blogger modthinglet said...

Actually, I have two black and white house cats that my husband and I rescued as kittens from the alley behind our old apartment building. They are big mushes. Love to cuddle, etc. It's generally best to try and get the kittens into contact with humans at 8 weeks or less. Oh and don't feed the kittens regular milk. They can't digest it. Kitten food or a cat milk substitute, aka, cat sip, is best.

At 5/17/2006 8:43 PM, Blogger dc gal said...

A tiger! LOL


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