Friendly neighborhood police
This may never happen again. It might be like that time LB spotted a beat cop, on foot. have we seen anyone in uniform on foot since? Didn't think so. Come to think of it, has anyone seen cops on bikes this year? Anyway, this weekend, as I was chatting with a neighbor and Ofc. M. who comes to the BACA meetings drives by and gives a friendly 'hello'. Windows down and noticing what's happening on the sidewalk (as opposed to driving by quickly), that's a good thing.I have been noticing more of a police presence since the 'crime emergency'. About a week ago there was a little bust over on the corner that I noticed. Chatting with someone else there was another shake up on that same corner. So there has been some good 'activity' over there.
Last night on the way home I saw two cop cars stopped on the corner of 10th & R. According to neighbors they were "randomly" stopping people to ask for licsence and registration. Is this correct?
This is the first time I have ever seen cop presence in the neighborhood. Typically they are just speeding through or hovering above in their helicopters. Also, I saw two cops talking to a man that was clearly intoxicated and they were telling him he had no business hanging out on the corner of S and 10th.
Wild. I wonder how long this new presence will last for.
Yah, I'm not holding my breath.
The horse trailer whose tenant was apparently outside of Yum's at 14th and U Sunday night was parked at 12th and T. Why Yum's needs riot control horses is beyond me - is it the dumplings? Anyhow, I was tempted to ask for that pile of horse apples for your compost, Mari. Your worms would have loved it.
Regardless, has anyone noticed how sketchy it's been around the 7-11 on U Street lately?
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