Saturday, December 01, 2007

The School of Broken Windows

Broken Windows.JPG
Originally uploaded by In Shaw
Okay, thanks for the lovely tales of converted DC school buildings. However, I can't be hopeful about Cook's conversion to anything great if it is left empty and unused for say longer than 365 days. Why? Because of what it sitting across the street. The picture here is of the Langston School. This is the best picture I have showing what crappy shape Langston is in. Note the frame of the window is falling apart. Slater isn't really pretty but not as bad as Langston. Slater is right next door to Langston, sharing a playground space, and it is being used by a non-profit, and could stand some improvement. Now directly across the street, is Cook. Directly behind Cook is M.M. Washington, also slated to close. So if and when Cook and Washington close there will be a row of three defunct DC school buildings.


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