Monday, April 07, 2008

Do your own d@mned taxes

Once upon a time I had a conversation with my young college aged cousin and I told her, do your own damned taxes. She was waiting for her daddy, my uncle, to do them. I had been filing my own taxes since I was 17 and didn't see what her excuse was. She her most sophisticated investment might have been a savings account, any money she made herself was from a dinky student job, and she wasn't being claimed by her parents. If this describes you, do your own damned 1040EZ.
Also regardless of if you do a 1040EZ or 1040, you can file your individual DC taxes electronically for FREE, as I did this weekend. I had filed my Federal taxes a good while ago using one of those tax software programs. So I had that file open as I went step by step with the Individual Income Tax On-Line page. You will have needed to have filed a 2006 DC income tax return for it to work. A lot of it is just copying from your Federal tax form (they say what line you should look at) and plugging it into the on-line page. So don't pay extra to file your 'state' taxes.



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