Gardening success. gardening failure
First, failure. Though I can see the pea vines from the peas I planted, I'm announcing my guerrilla gardening effort a failure. It's okay. Lessons were learned. For one, though I decided to make just a small plot for the garden, it was a little too deep into the property. When the weeds got up to a certain size I really couldn't go back there. And didn't want to wade through the grass and not see what my feet were stepping on. Second, I thought I could deal with the glass, the trash, the bricks and the rocks. Nope. A hard ground wasn't helping either. Lastly, the biggest problem was me. I would ignore the plot for days or even weeks at a time. Oh well, nothing ventured...Where I have so far succeeded is my own yard. I was just able to harvest just enough purslane to make a personal salad. In the other salad greens area, I have been able to cut a handful of clippings and have them for lunch at work the next day. The end is nigh for the spring salads. Tuesday, I should go around to my pea plants and snip off the pea pods and shell the peas, then blanch the peas and freeze the peas. Some of the peas are doing what I needed them to do, help the soil then die when I'm ready to put in tomato plants. Some are a little to happy and productive to kill just yet.
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