Friday, August 01, 2008

Two Shaw Area Blogs to Mention

BAANC Blog- That the Blagden Alley And (is that what the other A is for?) Naylor Court Blog. So get your announcements for the next BAA meeting here as well as other information around the BA/NC area.

And Bread for the City which has an office on 7th Street has a blog. From what I've read it is a group blog so keep note that the poster may not be the author. There are some Shaw topics, but most, so far deal with affordable housing. There are good reads, but there was at least one post that made my eyes roll. The latest post by Kate Perkins deserves a read because she talks about neighbors as neighbors and the limitations of mixed income projects. Well that's how I read it, and I really like her humble tone.



At 8/03/2008 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

blagden alley blog appears to be less marxist than bread for the city. rr446


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