Fall planting and the problem with being organic
This morning while I was eating breakfast in the backyard, reading the newspaper, B. yelled over the fence about some bugs spotted on the plants. There are these bugs that sort of look like lady bugs, but aren't. They need to die. B.'s solution was spray, mine, shake 'em off the plant and step on them. The are some organic pest control sprays, but stomping seems to be the best earth friendly, plant friendly way to take care of them.Same thing with bugs found in the corn at the farmer's market. I'm going to assume that the farmers use little to no pesticide. Anyway, at the tops of the corn there were these fat ugly worms eating and turning the kernels to mush. Solution, knock the worm out from the corn, stomp it, knock off some of the mush, buy the corn. When I got home I just cut the top off, the rest of the corn cob was just fine.
I was taking a closer look at the pots because I'm trying to figure out where I can fit the fall plantings for a winter crop. Somethings do well in the winter here. Arugula, does but I've already planted that, as does onions and beets and Swiss chard. I have beet seeds and I need to get them in the ground while it is still warm, but the summer stuff is taking up all the space.
Labels: gardening
Just don't ever cut open the cob of the corn - the part the kernels are affixed to. I'm just sayin' that to many worms, that's the BEST part. And those puppies are BIG. Woodpeckers will hack away kernels and destroy a cob just to get to the big, fat, juicy grubs inside the center part.
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