Monday, October 27, 2008

I really like the Bloomingdale Farmers Market

Ethopian Baked Goods Stall
Originally uploaded by In Shaw
I don't care that it isn't in the TC. Nor do I care that it isn't in my single member district or whatever political or government designated boundary. All I know is that a 5 minute walk from the house brings me to a small collection of tents where I meet neighborhood friends and see familiar faces.
But you know what I really love about the market? The vibe. It is a vibe that everyone contributes to. The vendors give samples and talk about their produce and it isn't always busy so they can take the time. There are the visiting and occasional vendors mixed with the vendors that are there every week. There aren't that many vendors, and the market succeeds despite or because of it. At one point this year there may have been just 4 vendors, yesterday there ware about seven. The vendors, what they sell, where they sell, that can be planned.
What can't be planned is the turn out. That's you and me. People come from near by, from way over from central Shaw (in my lazy moments I consider 9th St far away), they bring pooches, or leave the can't play well with other pooches home, and kids. The toddlers aged kids are really entertaining. It's amazing how the 5 second rule gets applied with them.
In all this people come together. Dog owners chat with other dog owners. Maybe they've seen each other walking around but this is their first time to actually introduce themselves and say hi. Parents, sort of the same. I overheard some parents talking about pre-K and the process, one set was telling about their experience while the other set asked questions. The non-crowded-ness of the market allows the kids a little bit more free reign. Freer than what I've witnessed at Dupont, where a kid can easily be temporarily lost.
All this, and the adjacent Big Bear Cafe, contributes to a wonderful casual vibe.

Addendum- I couldn't figure where to put this above, but I need to mention a failed market in Eckington/Bloomingdale. Back in 2003 there was the short lived North Capital Farmers Market that operated at North Capitol St and Florida Ave in the unpaved dusty parking lot. There were like 2 vendors and the produce was sad and pitiful looking like something left in the refrigerator too long. It wasn't welcoming as I remember it. We learn from failure as well as success, and we need to remember that farmer's markets can fail too.

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At 10/27/2008 10:25 AM, Blogger IMGoph said...

seems we've found the perfect mix in the current location. having big bear next door to the market lets the two grow and feed off of each other.

there has been rumbling on the eckington listserv by a person running for ANC over there about setting up a farmer's market so that eckington could have the same thing that bloomingdale does. it's silly talk, really, as there's no way that the two could work together and both be successful.

you make a great point that it doesn't matter if it's in your SMD or neighborhood or not. what matters is that we call come together!

At 10/27/2008 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do love the farmers market - great produce and a lovely location. Oddly I don't find the crowd particularly friendly. I'm a bit older than the typical Bloomingdale newcomer, and I haven't had much luck striking up conversations. But then again, that's DC...

- BloomingMan

At 10/27/2008 11:34 AM, Blogger Sean Hennessey said...

i agree about the market. i think its terrific. i had only walked by that old market a few times. didnt it start out at the old firehouse then move to the lot? in any case i never really checked it out.

bloomingman- i'm sorry thats been you;re experience here. i've found DC to be a very friendly place. perhaps not as outgoing as i am, but definitely friendly.

At 10/28/2008 7:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I echo the sentiments about the market. Love it. This year I go almost every week. The new bread vendor is amazing, as is the cheese vendor and the pastry chef.

And a heads up to anyone who hasn't been to Timor Bodega. After getting good stuff at the market, it is a short walk to 2nd and RI. Great organic products and local dairy at a price that is often better than Whole Foods. And the owner Kim is great to chat with. Between the market and Timor, we are able to get most of our food for the week.

At 10/28/2008 11:45 PM, Blogger Jonathan Guyer said...

as a barista, i can attest that us at big bear love the market too. keep enjoying local produce and see you'all next week.


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