Random Grab Bag Super Fun Pack Friday Post
First up, local politicians who suck. Well I dislike strongly Micheal A$$hat Brown, and the local GOP is challenging his certification because he isn't a real independent. Okay, I'm fine with whatever keeps him on his toes. Second, I've found reason to seriously dislike DC shadow senator Paul Strauss as well. Before the elections a DC native friend was telling me of an encounter he had with Mr. Strauss, where he noticed Strauss had a NY ring on his finger. I've never noticed the man, much less his hand, but I thought of that reading the City Paper's blog article on the shadow senator's DWI stop. The print article mentions that he "moves around with a full quorum of aides and interns-- often imported talent from European countries." What of DC talent? My friend questioned the man's loyalties to the District and its people with the NY ring, this seems to re-enforce that image that DC is just something he can take from. Then there is the whole driving with a .16 alcohol blood level. Please don't tell me how he's moving us closer to voting rights. It seems Eleanor Holmes Norton has done more without going the way of tomfoolery.Next, church benefits and lead time. Mt. Sinai's Family Unit #3 is collecting hygiene items for the homeless this Saturday at 9AM. Problem is I got this notice Thursday night, I would need more lead time to actually think about it, then go buy the travel size items, and clear up my schedule to drop off the items.
I hope our neighbors in other parts of Shaw have gas. If not, may I suggest what I did when my furnace when kaput, heater fans and staying in one room. But I understand having your gas back on is so much better. I do have one question, are the areas without gas the same areas that had problems with water in the gas lines before?
The tomatoes are done, I mean really done. The temperatures got cold enough to kill the vine. So I chopped up one vine and I'll probably attack the other later this week. I was able to get a dozen and a half green tomatoes off the dead vine and I'm sitting them in the window so they can ripen there.
Lastly, and I'm probably jinxing it by saying it, but I think my block's friendly neighborhood drug dealers have moved on. Well at least for the winter. There was a time when cold weather would not keep the boyz from standing on the corner, or having one guy stand on the corner. Part of me wants to say that it is due to some critical demographic changes, a certain family moving off the block, but I'm not 100%sure.
Labels: misc
"I do have one question, are the areas without gas the same areas that had problems with water in the gas lines before?"
There may be some overlap in geography, but this was an unrelated incident. The recent outage area was confined within the following area: 11th St, 9th St, U St, and R St NW.
Gas has been restored to those addresses that passed a safety check (7 addresses had faulty appliances and were unsafe) and where someone has been available to let Washington Gas inside( at my last count 31 addresses were inaccessible, this is also for safety reasons).
Mark Bjorge
the word tomfoolery makes me giggle for some reason
Michael Brown is an asshat, and I didn't vote for him, but I think that the quota system that the home rule charter has for non-Democrats is undemocratic and should go. If Democrats are gaming the system by posing as independents, good for them. This is a solidly Democratic city and any city-wide seat should be reasonably expected to go to a Democrat.
If the goal is to ensure that minority viewpoints are represented on the Council, then there are democratic ways of doing that - like allocating at-large seats based on parties' shares of the vote across the city in ward elections.
Anything but this quota system. DC Republicans are quota queens!
i am proud to be a quota queen, i admit it. the DC BOEE sided with you. i rest my case :-)
richard rogers
446 m street nw
w, dc 20001
All my plants froze too. Time to wrap up the sorghum stalks into some kind of pastoral-looking ornament.
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