Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Anyone in the Upper TC or MidCity region need fresh laurel bay leaves?

Baby leaves on the bay laurel
Originally uploaded by jpob
I brought my laurel bay in the house for the winter and I need to cut back. I'm going to dry a bunch of the leaves and give them away as Christmas gifts. I am aware of crafts that involve green laurel bay leaves, so if anyone needs a branch of green leaves, and you live within a quarter (0.25) of a mile of the intersection of Q and NJ Ave I'll be happy to drop some off at your house. Email me at mari at inshaw periud com.


At 12/10/2008 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this like the bay leaf spice that you buy? Can you describe the plant? i.e woody? bush? tree? 3 foot tall? annual? Did you grow it from seed?

Thanks !!!
ps You really do discuss the most interesting subjects.


At 12/10/2008 10:10 AM, Blogger Mari said...

Yes, this is the same type of bay leaf that one would buy, but I haven't bought bay from the store in a forever. One thing, I think the leaf has to be dried out if you're going to cook with it.
My bay, I got from a gardening store as a 6 inch plant. It is now about 5 feet tall, and I need to prune it. You can find out about the plant's growing habits at this link.

At 12/10/2008 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can cook with fresh bay leaves. WF on P St sells them. :)
Would you share where you bought the plant?

At 12/11/2008 8:17 AM, Blogger Mari said...

I either got it from the Garden District or Behnke's. It's been so long, I don't remember.


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