Monday, December 29, 2008

Inauguration Musings- More Obama Stuff Than U Can Shake A Stick At

W & W
Originally uploaded by In Shaw
Over the weekend I wandered over to the Capitol City Market area near Florida Avenue and discovered where your local street vendor gets his Obama stuff. Obama t-shirts, Obama calenders, Obama umbrellas, Obama hats, Obama watches, Obama posters, Obama buttons, and I'm sure if there is something else the president-elect's face and his family's faces can be plastered on..... it is there.
There were also little 8x11 notices of protest around. It seems that the city's deadline for a vendor permit to do the Inauguration is too soon and the process is unfair, according to the notice writer.



At 12/29/2008 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you gotten your Obama smartcard yet? They look pretty nice. You can get them at metro center or on line.


At 1/07/2009 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or your Obama Paper Plate?


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