I will love him an' hug him an' call him George
We got our shiny bright blue recycle bins. I dragged "George" my bin, down to the basement to tag him as my own because looking at it, this would make a great little old lady cart. Really. And I already had one recycle bin stolen (gone missing) and I don't want to be without the power to recycle again.I was looking around the house for a good marker. I thought about one of those stickers I get from WAMU or my alma mater (the one I give money to, not the other 2 I ignore) and slapping it on my bin to show my Terrapin pride or support of public radio. Sadly, I remembered I toss those things as soon as I get them. But next time, something is getting bumper sticker stuck to it so when DPW throws it back on to the sidewalk, I'll know which is "George".
Anyway, the old brown recycle bin has been sent to the backyard and looks as if it will begin a new life as a planter box. I need more planter boxes. Um, I guess I can go around asking neighbors, "hey whatcha' gonna do wit cher old bin?"
- Jimbo
Go Big Blue Bin! So excited. No more sorting and carrying stuff down to the Eagle for me.
That is, assuming that they start picking up the bright blue bins in the alley behind the house. They seemed to ignore the brown ones.
Hey if you've got a newly unemployed brown bin I'd be happy to take it off your hands, just email me inshaw at att dot net
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