Friday, April 29, 2005

Like I care

500 block of R Street.

If you know what supposedly recently happened to the Shaw East area. I say 'supposedly' because I can't find any proof that this zoned restriction has occured yet by the DC gov powers that be... AND if you know my feelings on this, then you know why I don't care.
If the picture is too fuzzy for you, just know that it looks like vinyl siding is coming up.


At 5/06/2005 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The siding's all up. It was a perfectly lovely brick home. It's not so lovely any more and looks a bit out of place. I'm a bit baffled.

Does anyone know why the owners would do this? Does the siding provide better insulation? It wasn't an ugly house they covered up. In fact, it was one of the nicer ones on the block. In any event, it's unlikely to help the neighbors to the west sell their house which has been on the market for ages.

---from the renter of your 8/04 house of the week


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