Wednesday, June 22, 2005

How much would you pay?

I'm having evil thoughts.
Once upon a time, long time ago, when DC real estate prices were starting to go crazy, like 2001, I made my friends an offer. If they bought a house or condo in Shaw I would give them $1,000 to help with closing costs. Did I have $1,000 just to give away? Not really, but I could sell some precious tobacco stock if needed. I figured it was worth $1,000 to have the people I loved blocks from where I lived, instead of out in the burbs. I offered it to Liz, to Gn, and MH. Liz bought in Alexandria and the other guys never bought anything. After some time the tobacco stock got sold to pay for the new kitchen.
Now I'm thinking, if I'm willing to pay to have people come to DC, would I be willing to pay for people to go away? How much would you pay for the crack head a few doors down to just pack up and move? What is it worth to you? $500? $2,000? $10? Of course, half the problems don't even live here, they just hang out.


At 6/22/2005 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What type of gym...WSC, etc..

At 6/22/2005 10:56 AM, Blogger Mari said...

Soon? Soon has been measured in years and some slumlords just keep replacing crappy neighbors with more crappy neighbors. I'm thinking of one house on my block owned by a bad lawyer/slumlord who is mean and dare I say? Just plain evil. The property she owns has gone from enabling grandma (relatives as dealers), down and out family, to crackhead and assorted crack friends. When the crackhead goes she'll just replace with some other person or group of the same vein. At times, she, as a landlord is worse than the people she puts in, she has threatened neighbors and is just plain unpleasant when she does visit her property.
Yes, some have gone away on their own. Screaming woman, gone. Mentally ill guy, gone. Ugly weathered old guy & possible dealer (gotta supplement SS somehow), gone. Even some hanger outs have gone, the ghetto tranny that used to have suprise block parties, gone.
It's just that sometimes you want to speed the process up.

At 6/22/2005 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just make it open season on crack heads. Just one day. Pleassssse.

At 6/22/2005 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will pay $100 if the kids stop riding their @#$&*(#&(*&@ motorbikes up and down the streets.

At 6/22/2005 1:23 PM, Blogger BrooklandJess said...

Just to be contrary, I gotta share that it was a local hustler/pusher who was instrumental in my husband and I catching our stupid run-away dog this past Sunday morning. Me, my husband, a friend, and a neighbor were racing around the local housing project after the dog (which I am only dog-sitting, more the trauma) and none of the up-&-coming neighbors paused to help... but the lady who is always out on the street, doing whatever it is she does, was the one to finally put me in the right place at the right time to catch the dog before it got hurt.

Maybe my only point is that sometimes you can't guess which of the neighbors will be the ones you really appreciate.

At 6/22/2005 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah the motorbikes are out of control... of course once the fireworks start in a week or so, I'll be wishing for them back!

Never forget the time I saw some kid aim a bottle rocket horizontally, and fire it down the street at someone's car.

- JM

At 6/22/2005 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

start? bottle rockets and the little noise maker firecrackers (don't know what they're called) have been going off near me for more than a week.

I blame it on the fact that I live next to a house with something like 8 kids in it, but still...

can't wait until their supply runs out.

At 6/22/2005 4:20 PM, Blogger inked said...

About a year ago I hanging out in my living room when I heard a whole bunch of very close sounding firework noises. I went out front and saw that someone had placed & lit a bunch of what appeared to be roman candle on the median. This is at a point that Florida hits another street (so it's not just an ordinary intersection). The roman candles were, of course, angled such that they were shooting at on coming traffic, rather than just straight up. I was really shocked that there wasn't an accident.

At 6/22/2005 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Get yourself a PSA LT who wants to work. Make sure he and wife get to picnics, as well as rest of PSA types. Get to know them. Monthly neighborhood meetings, not just ANC. It's too big.
2. Close/board/brick( much better!) up one bad house. Don't think too big. Maybe an easier one. Make sure DCRA knows who you are.
3. Then one more. It may not be immediate.
4. Within two years, you won't recognize the place. It's not that they will all be gone, but you've broken critical mass. Make the bad guys have a hard time finding space. You've done your turn with them. Now it's someone else's turn. They move, you don't.


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