Run! It's affordable housing!
I don't have any particular project or property in mind. I'm just musing. But face it. For those of us in the transitional neighborhoods, when we hear the words "affordable housing" we get anxious, defensive and just plain angry. If you are currently living or have lived next door to a Section 8 crackhead and their little crack buddies that come by, I understand your anger.Maybe you can get in affordable housing with a mixed income project or say it's for seniors. 'Cause really how much trouble is grandpa gonna give you? Yeah, old folks do drugs, but most of those drugs are illegals from Canada. Mixed income projects give hope that the non-poor residents will balance out the poor ones and that spaces are limited enough that crack heads and touble makers need not apply.
I know that the city is in desperate need for affordable housing and should have affordable housing. Yet, it seems like it may get in the way for the big reward that transitioning neighborhoods move towards. If big building is market rate then it brings people who can attract the businesses some of us want. But going the affordable housing route brings worry, worry that it may turn into a housing project where there is this pocket of poverty. Housing projects do not seem to attract coffeehouses or bookstores. They seem to attract explotive businesses like check cashing stores or liquor stores that only stock things that get you drunk or drunker.
But we must face the need (on moral or logicistical grounds) to provide affordable housing. Problem is, how to balance it with the desire to become a 'nicer' neighborhood.
I'd be happy with some housing *I* can afford.
Check the City Paper, there are studios and 1 bedrooms in Shaw for $695-$700 a month!
Check Cashing----Aka how drug dealers pay bills with money orders.
The problem with section 8 housing is the lack of enforcement against bad tenents/landlords from the city administratior of the program.
To get rid of a nasty tenent, the only option is to renovate the place. The renovator is not likely to return the housing to section 8, after experiencing a really bad tenent, even if you don't have to worry about collecting the rent.
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