Thursday, August 18, 2005

Hello Washington Post readers

Dang it I was planning on wearing that jumper today, but can't cause wearing the same dress that's in the paper is just plain weird. And gawd, I take an ugly picture. I now see I really need to do something about the hair. Anyway, enough about me.

Not mentioned at all in the Post article is the excellent neighborhood blog Frozen Tropics covering Trinidad and more specifically the H Street corridor. I think her coverage of the area and the spirit of the neighborhood are captured beautifully in pictures and word.

In the spirit of using this portion of my 15 minutes of fame, let me also point out Nathan's DC Education blog. Nathan is a father and has an interest in the schools in the District from a parent's point of view. Go to his site, read what he has to say, and click on the ads because I'm sure the revenues go into the kid's college fund.

I noticed one small error. I live in the Truxton Circle portion of Eastern Shaw, not near it. Truxton Circle, Scott & Matt's site is far more informative than my crappy blog. If you really want to know what's going on over here, go to their site.

I can give you no good reason to visit Jimbo's blog, except he's drop dead gorgeous, gay and lives in Shaw.

Lastly, if you want to comment be aware I'm a delete happy person. No cussin' spittin', tickin' off the hostess, or trashin' the hood. (see Comment Policy)


At 8/18/2005 8:56 AM, Blogger inked said...

Actually, I did get one brief mention, but he refers to me by name, not by blog. He mentions Trinidad, but not H Street (leaving one to wonder why I might care about a grocery store at 3rd & H). So mentioned, but not linked to & Frozen Tropics was never named. Better than nothing.

At 8/18/2005 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the well-earned/deserved mention in the Post! Unfortunately, the sprog & I are out of town, and the picture isn't showing up on the website.

Must make sure N. saves a copy...

;) BL

At 8/18/2005 9:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Woo Hoo! Mondo congratulations on the Post article. Grabbed a copy on the way to work; the pictures look great. And thanks for the link and the kind words about the ol' education blog.

At 8/18/2005 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Post feature - your quote is fantastic!
As always, your site is a tremendous resource and a well-written, informative and entertaining boon to this city!
Thank you!

At 8/18/2005 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmm, stumbled across your blog b/c the Post. I've spent the last 3 years fixing Sonny's (AKA Joint Compound fixes everything) "work"

I've found mix-matched wiring the in walls, a sink without a vent, a washing machine that drained into the crawlspace, etc. I hate Sonny almost as much as I hate the service as the Brentwood Home Depot!

At 8/19/2005 4:59 PM, Blogger kob said...

Congratulations of the Post article. Your blog is the reason why newspapers don't need columnist anymore. I'm serious.

As an aside, I wish the neighborhood listservs would move to a blog format. I don't understand why they don't. Listservs are too closed. It's blogs like yours that make this city a desirable place to live, because people who read your blog will quickly realize that there are people who care deeply about their neighborhoods. If the listservs were more open -- became blogs -- It would send a message to the greater world, especially to people who like to pick on DC, that this is a city with many, many people who care. And care deeply.

At 8/19/2005 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew about it before it was published! But congratulations on making the post!

At 8/20/2005 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it ironic that the Post is reporting on a phenomenon that it has done the most to encourage, by providing such consistently lame local news reporting? If you want to know what's going on in the neighborhood - or in the entire District - you're not going to learn it from our local paper's Metro section. You've got to go online.

Example: those who were at Thursday's PSA meeting learned that, a couple of weeks ago, a vehicle with young people in it shot up the O St. unit block with an AK-47, damaging 8 cars and several houses. The police actually recovered the assault weapon afterward. It's part of a whole rash of shootings in those few blocks over the last month, which has gotten a lot of attention on local Internet resources but nowhere else.

If you depend on the Post's intrepid Metro reporters for your local news, you'd never learn about something so alarming, and of such immediate concern for the neighborhood. Instead, what leads above the fold in today's Metro section? Apparently, two-car garages in new townhomes in Wheaton, MD are too narrow. Give me a break!

Thanks to Mari and the folks who run the Truxton Circle site and Bloomingdale listserv for being our only source of written information about what's going on around us. Keep up the good work. - Adam


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