Wednesday, August 24, 2005

People not like us

Walking down the street after work with B. we spy this guy in front of us with baseball cap (on backwards) and a baseball jersey with the name Kidd on the back. We were walking up Rhode Island when Plunk! Down goes a styrofoam cup filled with ice and drink on to the busy road. At first, I thought someone left a cup on the curb and one of the fast driving vehicles shook it in the road. No. As we continued to walk we see that "Kidd" has a brown paper carryout bag. He took out a sandwich wrapped in wax paper and just tossed it on the sidewalk. At this point I had no idea of what to say or even think that anything I say would stop this unacceptable behavior. "Kidd" then dropped the brown paper bag in the street and continued on. B. and I griped amongst ourselves about how anti-social was the litterbug. B. concluded that "Kidd" was well on his way to a life of failure. I figured "Kidd" must live in a garbage can because apparently he hasn't escaped the garbage can of his mind and has no respect for his neighborhood or himself.
Really, what kind of people treat the neighborhood like an open garbage can?


At 8/24/2005 10:37 AM, Blogger Mari said...

I'm more likely to say something when it is the house of a neighbor I know well, as in well enough to figure out who is a typical visitor. And what I engage in friendly non-confrontational inquistive small talk. "so you're visiting from out of town?" "you're their cousin/uncle?" "are they home and when will they be back?" "waiting long?" "how is work going in the house?" (for houses where they're remodling and there are guys in beat up clothes hanging out). Sometimes they are legitimate visitors, when they are less so, I get a vague answer and after a while they leave.

At 8/24/2005 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is no surprise that DC seems to have the largest concentration of gulls, pigeons and sparrows I've seen in any town. They are cleaning up after our messes. I noticed while in Vancouver, B.C. that they do not litter, and there are NO PIGEONS in the city. Litter also helps the rat population too.

DC seriously needs an anti-litter campaign. We certainly do not lack for trash bins...they are never far from where I see litter dropped. People just don't want to bother.

When I am feeling brave and if I am not far from the person, no matter how small the litter item, I pick it up and bring it to the person, and say, "I think you dropped this, but there is a trash bin over there." and I point to the bin that is most likely only 10 feet away.

At 8/24/2005 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see that every day. Literally, every day. Grown-ups, too. Yesterday a woman threw her empty bag of chips down right next to a trash can. And no, she didn't just miss. I never confront them. Anyone who would do that has no respect for rules and is just as likely to start beating you.

At 8/24/2005 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, unfortunately, this happens all too often. Not only is litter unsanitary and unattractive, but it can be downright dangerous for those of us who own dogs. As friendly as my own pooch is, he does not have a discerning palate and will suck up chicken bones before I can say "The Colonel." I do try to politely confront the people that do this kind of thing and have had mixed results. I usually just turn the hose on the those creeps that urinate on the sidewalk though. Bastards!

At 8/24/2005 10:47 PM, Blogger inked said...

My favorite piece of trash is the chicken bone. H Street has a million take out places that sell chicken and these things are everywhere on the weekends. Someone recently told me (or, it could have been an email on the ANC6A listserv) that he confronted someone about littering and the person replied that he was creating jobs for others.

At 8/25/2005 3:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back when my wife and I lived in the neighborhood, we played a game while walking through the hood: 1 point for spotting littered chicken wings, 2 for discarded or lost hair extensions, 5 for A LOT of loose hair, and 10 for chicken bones wrapped up in hair extensions. Sadly, a quick walk to the Giant and back could result in 20 or more points on bad days.


At 8/25/2005 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JS: the lost hair extension has been tagged as a "tumbleweave," a natural phenomenon in DC streets and gutters. Tumbleweaves can roll together to form enormous balls (spherical, free-formed afros?) of hair that blow across empty streets on windswept days.

I think it has been a generation now since we've seen a hardcore national litter campaign on television. Anyone remember the crying native American at the campground? We have not had much of an anti-litter campaign since.

At 8/25/2005 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you, DAK02, my dog will Hoover up the "gifts" that you describe too, much to my dismay.

At 8/25/2005 4:00 PM, Blogger Mari said...


At 8/27/2005 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Littering drives me crazy. You know, I may be naive, but I almost always say something when I see someone toss your trash. I never try to sound p*ssed off or hostile...just something like "there's a trash can right over there." The vast majority of kids (and they're mostly teenagers) say, "Oh, right, sorry." and pick up their trash. A small percentage of the people pretend they didn't hear or mumble "f*ck off. But after probably 50 times of doing this, it's never turned into a scene.


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