Monday, October 03, 2005

Fenty vs Cropp

Earlier, before Tony announced that he was not going to run I noticed a lot of green Fenty signs in people's yards. Time passed, Cropp threw her hat in the ring, and the mayor elected not to run a 3rd term. Now I'm seeing a fair number of red Linda Cropp signs (way better than the stupid black "Think Cropp" signs). What's funny though is that I've noticed that some of the yards in Shaw that once sported Fenty green have gone Cropp red.
Regardless, it is still way too early for all of this.


At 10/03/2005 1:12 PM, Blogger dc gal said...

Someone said to me this weekend, "Can you imagine what all these campaign signs are going to look like after it snows?"

At 10/03/2005 8:39 PM, Blogger rollins said...

I've seen both Fenty and Johns one in the same yard.

Full disclosure: My yard has just a Fenty one.

At 10/03/2005 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps its fear of the democratic primary effect from 2004...the early momentum. Kerry had that in the bag after the first few primaries, so maybe these guys think that they need to hit the ground running. Also, I'm guessing most of these guys knew Williams wasn't going to run, so its about name recognition.

At 10/04/2005 7:19 AM, Blogger Mari said...

Johns has signs?
What color are they?

At 10/04/2005 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

from a homeowner on Warner Street...

I was told by a friend of a recent speech that Cropp made where she discussed the gentrification movement. She was a bit hostile, saying if elected, she will place tighter resetrictions on the developers. I think many of the local residents who are not happy of the changes are Cropp supporters. I'm going with Fenty right now. I wish Jack Evans would through in his hat and run.

At 10/04/2005 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Johns yard signs are light blue.

At 10/04/2005 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't really think gentrification was a "movement.” A lot of the new people on our street would appreciate restrictions on developers so they won't knock down anyone else's house, or put up puke green condos. Not supporter of Flip Flop Cropp, but at the moment I am more troubled by developers than by crackheads.

At 10/04/2005 12:23 PM, Blogger Mari said...

Got nothing but love for Jackie, but Jack has a snowball's chance in Cuba of becoming mayor. He should keep his eye on trying to take Cropp's place on the Council. I'm all for a "Jack, King of the Council" idea but a bus would have to hit Cropp, Fenty and Orange (ok maybe not so much the citrus) before he'd have a fighting chance.

No candidate is going to say they are 'for' gentrification. That would be stupid. But they may say that they are for "revitilizing the neighborhoods". Which to me, in this still high priced low supply real estate market, is hard to do without bringing on gentrification.

At 10/05/2005 12:46 AM, Blogger Washington Cube said...

As long as they aren't posting Marion Barry signs. Campaign Motto: "No More Taxes."

Washington Cube Was Here. #13.

At 10/18/2005 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a Shaw resident but going thru the same crap. Gentrification across the board in Eastern market (my neighborhood). Although I like Linda Cropps attitude, I don't think its the way to go.

You'll find a Fenty sign in my yard.

At 9/09/2006 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no way you'll find a Fenty sign anywhere NEAR my lawn.

I'm much more interested in electing a mayor who can fix DC's education system.

For Washingtonians like me who are concerned about the quality of education their children are getting in the DC school system, Linda Cropp is the person who can reform our school system and ensure EVERY child is prepared today to compete tomorrow.

Ms. Cropp is a former educator. She served as President of the DC School Board and is credited with creating Banneker High School, one of the top 50 high schools in the country according to Newsweek.

Ms. Cropp’s education plan is focused on making sure our schools are safe and foster learning. Linda Cropp is clearly the best candidate for mayor of the District.


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