Gardening 2006 hopes
We had a very nice January. So far, so good with February but it may turn.The weather has been so nice and relatively mild that it's got me thinking gardening. I mean it's been really mild because the damned passion flower vine still lives, as does the arugula, the scallions, coriander, Corsican mint and pansies in the back. The rosemary is flowering and the hanging basket of whatever still lives. It was cool because last night I had this recipe I was sort of following and it required scallions. So I went outside and harvested the little baby scallions that survived so far. That is just wonderful.
I really want to attack the front yard. I want to buy a picthfork for digging up the friggin weed that took over (and they're good for storming Frankenstein's castle) my whole lawn. Peas will definitely be planted before February is out. Lot's and lots of peas, because last year they were so good. The usual front yard staples will be planted in Spring, the tomatoes, the basil, the mint (well that will just spring up on its own) and thyme. The blueberries will remain, and I plant two more bushes and at least one of them will die.
I rescued an abandoned old green recycle bin (circa Sharon Pratt Kelly) from the metro station and I think I will plant onions and shallots in that. But I would love to have, but I don't think they exist, a Marion Barry era, with his name on it, recycle bin to plant in.
When I was out with Jimbo he was telling me of his gardening plans. Unfortunately, Jimbo is a renter so he has to convince his landlord to let him play in the dirt. However, Jim and I garden different. He's into the attractive plants. Me, if the plant don't feed me I have little use for the plant.
My pitch to the landlord went well. I can do what I want (within reason - no California Redwood tree plantings allowed) and can just bill him for the expenses. Hastas and other tender shade-tolerant plants will be moved to the shady backyard, while drought-tolerant plants like echinacia, black-eyed susans and Russian sage will be planted in the sun-blasted front yard. I've yet to mention my plans for horticultural rebellion in planting huge castor bean plants, however.
I grow lots of veggies and some herbs in the winter . . . And I plan on growing some of those giant castor bean plants too. I have a problem with gophers - and they don't like the castor beans. I have problems with slugs too, I hope they don't like castor beans. But I love my earth-worms . . . so we shall see . . .
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