Friday, March 31, 2006

Scamming little brats

New Eckington Kid on the Block has posted his/her unfortunate experience with some scamming kids. Not only was he/she (really I don't know his/her gender) out of $17 bucks, the little theives also attacked the checking account. My neighbor B. got hit once (at least 1 year ago) but I think he just gave cash so that was all he lost.
My useless bit of advice. Think Girl Scout Cookies. Now at some point in your life you will get hit up by some friend/neighbor/ co-worker/ random parent to buy their kids' cookies. Thin mints are my fav (if you see any give me a heads up). Anyway, it usually works like this, you pledge to buy the cookies, you forget about the cookies, a month later you get a mysterious call demanding money and a cookie pickup. Only then do you hand over the dough for cooked cookie dough. Same thing for any other cookies, fruit, jewlery, gift wrap, or whatever crap they're making middle schoolers sell these days. You pledge to buy it but you don't hand over any cash till the little people give you your stuff. Anything else, more than likely a scam.
There is another thing, more than likely a scam, helping kids buy football jerseys. I get hit up for this every so often on the metro or at the metro. Middle School aged boys mummble something about fundraising and sports and hand you a copy of some form that looks as if it has been copied a hundred times before. I usually tell them I support the kids on my block and I don't want to risk supporting an opposing team. The kids on my block have never hit me up for fundraising money (candy, yes; odd jobs money, yes).


At 3/31/2006 1:40 PM, Blogger HomeImprovementNinja said...

I agree with most of what you said, except about the girl scout cookies. Only the peanut butter/chocolate ones are edible. They're very addictive too. Like sugary peanut butter flavored crack.

At 4/02/2006 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not trying to pimp out Thin Mints to anyone other than me, are you?!?

At 4/03/2006 2:15 PM, Blogger Mari said...

Jim, I have no thin mints and didn't you leave me for another supplier?

At 4/03/2006 5:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ad me to the hit list. Ordered from two sets of kids: one from the block that I knew and one from some schoolkids that I didn't know. Guess who delievered?

Lesson learned. Thankfully it was only cash. From now on I'll only support the kids on my block who I know.

At 4/04/2006 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It isn't just kids that are doing this scam though -- It is sleazy, sleazy parents. I was hit up by two women the other day, dragging their two adorable girls with them on their scam and they handed me a flyer from Gage-Eckington School dated November 2005 regarding some school fundraiser the details of which weren't clear, because the woman took the paper back before I could read it. She said that they were selling candy and pizzas to raise money for a trip to disney world for the kids. Her breath reeeked of alcohol and she couldn't look me in the eye. When I questioned her on the fact that the flyer was dated November of 2005, she told me that they had extended the deadline to June. I told her that I would call the school to verify and she could come back later (knowing I wouldn't see her again). That shut her up and off they went, innocent little girls in tow. I would almost reather be scammed by just the kids themselves than by the parents with their kids in tow. I shut my door that night feeling really sad and hopeless for those little girls. With parents like that as role models, what are their chances at becoming happy, healthy, productive members of society?



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