Saturday, October 14, 2006

Green Festival at Convention Center: You should go

If you go to the bike valet @ 9th & M, you get a token that makes your entry 1/2 price. You go in and I highly recommend that you 1st go to the Dagoba Organic Chocolate table. They have chocolate. And chocolate nibs. I hung out there for a while. There were some other food tables, but chocolate rules.
Got some good booty. From Seventh Generation I got dishwasher tablets, dishwashing detergent, and laundry detergent. I got some stevia (non-caloric sweetener), a magnet from Energy Star, cheese from Organic Valley, two magazines (one being the Audubon's 'Ecological Home Ideas"), and hand dish washing liquid from MOMs. There were some other food sample stuff but I ate them all before heading back home.
The main draw for me was the home building, renovation and household things.... which I'll write about later.


At 10/16/2006 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was also a discount if you brought in a standard filament light bulb and traded that in for a eco friendly one. I and a friend had a great time at the festival. The food from local veggie soul food joints and the indian restaurant Nirvanah was fantastic.

The City should encourage folks to do the valet bike thing for some events to cut down on traffic and promote a cleaner environment. I am a bit hesitant to leave my Cannondale unlocked under an circumstance, but the crew did a great job of supervising all the bikes and it cut down on the need for hauling around all my heavy chain locks.

Although this event wasn't posted on Kevin Chapple's modest event's page, it does look like he's stepped up his campaign beyond yard signs -- at least for his web audience -- and is posting photo and video endorsements.


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