Monday, June 09, 2008

I've seen this scene before

Last week heading out from work, pondering taking a cab home to test out the supposed lower prices, I saw a couple walking along Pennsylvania Avenue. What grabbed my attention was the pleading man. The woman was a long haired blond in her late thirties, maybe mid forties wearing a tight fitting black jeans and tee. The man was in his late forties, sorta moppish hair cut, wearing the most nondescript clothes ever.
Man: Let me drive you home
Woman: [silence and keeps walking ahead]
Man: Please [followed by more whiny pleading]
Then there is a certain point when he looks like he's going to get down on his knees, as she's keeping her stride on....
Man: She means nothing to me!

Well that explains a lot. Dude, you're in trouble.



At 6/10/2008 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of relationships in DC; hypothetically - would you raise a child here?

A Dad (?)

At 6/10/2008 3:37 PM, Blogger Mari said...

See Risks & Benefits.
Hypothetically, with my hypothetically like-minded trophy husband? Yes. Around about a certain period in the children's lives we may consider moving if there isn't a high school we like. But that's a reflection of my temperment.


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