Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Risking a jinx- fireworks

At the risk of jinxing it, have you noticed a decrease in pre-4th of July firework noise? I swear this time a few years back there was the old neighborhood question of "fireworks or gunfire?" Over time I've noticed a decrease in firework activity that used to start up around mid June and continue into early August. It's late June and I've only heard one incident of fireworks going off.
The 4th also provides a good gauge of what's going on with the neighborhood. It will be interesting to see how many drive by fireworkings there are. The drive bys are where people with MD tags jump out from their mini-van, get their big package of fireworks out and light them up on a DC corner, then jump back into the vehicle and head back to Maryland. With gas prices above $4 a gallon, we might see less of that.
Then again the reason I might be hearing fewer firecrackers, is because this year I have insulation and completely closed windows(AC).



At 6/24/2008 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have noticed the same decrease in pre-4th fireworks as well. In years past, they were commonplace from about early/mid-June. It is still a little early, but I expected to hear them every night about now.

But you are right, we probably just jinxed ourselves. Tonight will sound like Baghdad.

At 6/24/2008 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're onto something. This is only our third summer here (unit block of P St NW), the pre-July 4 fireworks have decreased every year thus far.


At 6/24/2008 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couple of reasons we aren't hearing more fireworks:

1) Chinese fireworks industry suffered big setbacks with recent explosions and fires in large factories, causing supply to dwindle and prices to rise by about a third. Apparently the roadside stands are fewer and far between and pricier than ever. Even some cities and counties that put on large legit shows are having trouble procuring fireworks this year. The Post had an article about this in Sunday's Metro section.

2) Cost of food has gone up, so hopefully folks are making the sound decision of buying bread and milk over snap dragons and bottle rockets.

3) High gas prices. Can't we blame that on everything?

At 6/24/2008 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come to the 400 block of Q, NW. We have been having fireworks-like noises, usually 4 to 6 pops at a time!

At 6/25/2008 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just got back from a weekend trip to Blacksburg, VA. We only saw one place advertising fireworks for sale. There are usually little stands all over the place.

At 6/25/2008 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed it too up in ledroit park. could also be the fact that it's been very rainy in the evenings this summer unlike the last several

-2nd st


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