Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Historic KFC closes

We're in danger of losing a bit of Eckington history as one of its businesses has shut it's doors and is possibly in danger of losing some classic late-20th century commercial architecture. The Bulletproof KFC, as one Bloomingdale/Eckington resident once called it, was a testament to a period in the neighborhood's life. It fed many a traveller and resident, overlooking the busy intersection of Florida and North Capitol.
Before this neighborhood landmark was, there was a church, Eckington Presbyterian, that sat there. According to a 1966 article in the Post [1] Eckington Presbyterian "rather than admit Negroes as members, the Church's White congregation disbanded 19 months ago. The 62 year old church building, at Florida Avenue and North Capitol street, has stood vacant ever since and will be torn down soon." Such a pity that a monument to racism was not preserved.

[1]"Clerics Find Prejudice Killed Church" The Washington Post, Times Herald (1959-1973). Washington, D.C.: Oct 31, 1966. p. B4

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At 6/17/2008 10:07 AM, Blogger IMGoph said...

woe is eckington! let the gnashing of teeth commence as we say our sad goodbyes to the kfc. farewell, young prince.

At 6/17/2008 7:39 PM, Blogger monkeyrotica said...

Tell me you wouldn't watch a movie called, "Bulletproof KFC."

The fact that Chow Yun Fat plays the fry cook is just the icing on the cake.

At 6/18/2008 9:36 AM, Blogger Hill Rat said...

I thought SisRat and I were the only people that called that place the Bulletproof KFC. I can't say I'm sorry to see that place go; the BPKFC and the Wendy's down the street were locked in an eternal battle for the slowest fast food restaurant in the Metro area.

At 6/18/2008 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can think of many, many bigot churches and other houses of worship that are just as stupid as the church that closed.

At 8/05/2008 3:06 PM, Blogger Steve's Blog said...

The church was wrong in turning away people because of their color. Tearing down the church only contributed to the blight at that intersection. If you want to see what the church looked like visit:



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