Monday, August 04, 2008

Bloomingdale Farmers Market Better

Yesterday I stopped by the Dupont Circle market sometime after I had picked up fruits and corn from the Bloomingdale Farmers Market. I like BFM a bit better than DFM, and just as much as the PQ(Penn Quarter)FM.
Yes the Penn Quarter and Bloomingdale Farmer's markets are smaller, but not as frigging crowded. Maybe the vendors like crowds, but I don't. There just doesn't seem to be enough room. Besides, I like the 'crowd' at BFM, as most of the time I run into a Truxton neighbor there.
Second, Bloomingdale is cheaper. I saw corn at Dupont for .70 cents an ear. Bloomingdale it was .50 cents. I know you don't go to farmers markets to save money, but when you can, do.



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