Sunday, September 14, 2008

Kevin needs signs

Walking around the hood, I noticed a lot of Leroy Thorpe signs in yards. The puppet master of ANC 2C02 wants his job back. Well if you don't like being informed about what's going on, unless you belong to a small clique of loyal followers, go ahead vote him back in.
But you can't tell me you don't want current ANC2C02 Kevin Chapple's seasonal magazine or his informative website with video and updated info of things going on in around central Shaw. These did not exist before Kevin people. What you got before was yelled at or a poorly edited flier that may or may not have found its way to you.
Let's not go back to the bad old days of Thorpe. Let's not even stall in the bad present of an unelected Thorpe puppet regime (yeah, lotta drama for such a little slice of DC) with Ms. Brooks, as the puppet ANC 2C chair. By re-electing Kevin Chapple and Alex Padro, and electing Lanza and Sule you get rid of the whole puppet show, or at least move it to a civic group where it can't do too much harm.
So I'm distressed at the lack of Chapple signage. Guess I'm going to have to write a check to campaign fund. It seems Kevin had a fundraiser earlier this month, but lo, there is a place to where monies may be sent, according to his website:
P.O. Box 26064, Washington, DC 20001. The maximum contribution is $25. Checks should be made out to Kevin Chapple, with "reelection campaign" written in the memo section.

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At 9/15/2008 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

attacking a poorly edited newsletter makes you look petty and elitist. hicks dont appreciate it.
hope this helps.


At 9/15/2008 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will gladly attack a poorly edited newsletter. Go Miss InShaw - rip those typos apart! In fact, I vote on the elitist fontographer party ticket every time. I am a kerning and leading snob! Double-spaced only, and serifs only in appropriate places, please.

Kevin Chapelle ROCKS because his fontwork is so graceful and he's got mad glossy publis.

All caps are sooo retarded, and Thorpe is the master of all caps and poorly photocopied flyers. Hello - 20th century desktop publishing is calling, or can't you install them on your old computer ? (of questionable origin...)

Seriously though, I need a lesson or review of what my ANC 2C02 options are. I'm probably in line with you, Mari, but I still want to see everyone who is running. I'll want to put an endorsement on my blog too.

And we need to get out what day we can vote, and where. A lot of the more experienced involved people assume who knows what and where, but we need to step back and let people know the basics too.

At 9/15/2008 1:00 PM, Blogger Mari said...

As far as endorsements go, talk or email the candidate or just blog about them. Luckily, Kevin has his own blog, so that cuts out the work there.
2C01 Alexander M. "Alex" Padro (incumbant)
2C01 Mary A. Sutherland
2C01 Sarah Livingston

2C02 Kevin Chapple (incumbant)
2C02 Leroy Thorpe

2C03 Doris L. Brooks (incumbant)
2C03 Jessica Lanza

2C04 Barbara Curtis (incumbant)
2C04 Theresa Sule

The bolds are people I'd like to see elected. My support for Ms. Sule is based on the fact she isn't Ms. Curtis, and hopefully not sock puppet material. My strongest support is for Ms. Lanza as she would bring representation to the Chinatown/ Penn Quarter residents as everyone else is in Shaw, and we really need to hear their voice. And I support Kevin and Alex as well.

On the other side of NJ Ave is a big ole party of people. I've bolded the two I would endorse. Ted McGinn is your Bloomingdale Farmers Market-guy:
5C01 Anita D. Bonds
5C01 Jerry Mack

5C02 Joyce Robinson-Paul
5C02 Sylvia E. Matthews
5C02 Sylvia Pinkney
5C02 Theodore L. McGinn

5C03 Stuart Davenport

5C04 John Salatti

5C05 Denise L. Wright

5C06 Mary Lois Farmer-Allen
5C06 Michael J. Henderson

5C07 Barrie Daneker

5C08 Marshall R. Phillips, Sr.

5C09 Deborah "Debbie" Smith
5C09 Geneva Perry
5C09 Marie Hawkins
5C09 Silas Grant, Jr.

5C10 Timothy W. Day

5C11 Allison DeFoe
5C11 Ronnie Edwards

5C12 Albrette "Gigi" Ransom
5C12 Carolyn Slaughter
5C12 Derrick O. Holloway

At 9/16/2008 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asking for basic literacy is elitist? Whoa, I've been in DC too long.


At 9/16/2008 4:25 PM, Blogger si said...

I like Theresa Sule very much and I look forward to voting for her. She is smart & engaged.


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