A few useful things
MPD has a crime mapping thing, that as of this morning the map feature does not like Firefox or Macs. You too can get the same thrill the police get when looking at statistics that say that crime is down. However, you are tempered by the fact that the latest victim of the theft from auto was your neighbor and the fact that there are fewer thefts from autos is of little comfort. I went down to the level of my block and discovered crime is down in almost everything, except one thing where it is up by several hundred percent.Labels: crime, transportation
crime is down when it's reported less. hope this helps.
Yes, the data is only as good as people bother to provide. Same for the bus. I watched the bus on the map hover in one spot then jump 5 blocks. I gather the signal the bus sends takes a while to process.
I like the http://dc.everyblock.com/
crime list function because it can be set to 1,3 or 8 blocks from my home.
There is something odd about the sort in crime map. It makes crime appear lower than it is. In my neighborhood, there were more police reported robberies than appears on the crime map because some some are recorded as assaults. Check out the the every block list, or download the data yourself from the MPD web site.
Then there is "no narrative" issue... what a waste of could be powerful useful tool.
NextBus is not open to the public yet. Posting links to the test site does a disservice to WMATA and NextBus, as viewers will think the system doesn't work properly. The current tracking system on WMATA buses only provides position updates every 5-15 minutes. NextBus requires updates every 90 seconds at most. Once WMATA has their tracking system updated, NextBus will work fine.
Well I am reachable at mari at inshaw period com if wmata wants to tell me. I've adjusted the side bar in light of that thought.
Also please ID yourself.
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