Friday, March 20, 2009

Old Streetcar route: The Fourth Street Line

From Rider's Washington, 1924.
Fourth Street Line: operates between Steamboat wharves (M and Water Sts., S.W.) and W St. and Georgia Ave., N.W. Route: northwest on Water St. to 11th St., north on 11th St. to Virginia Ave., northwest on Virginia Ave., to B St., west on B St. to 14th St., nort on 14th St. to G St. N.W., east on G St. to 5th St., north on 5th St. to New York Ave., northeast on New York Avenue to 4th St., north on 4th St. to Florida Ave., east on Florida Ave., to 3rd St., north on 3rd St. to Elm St., west on Elm St. to 4th St., north on 4th St. to W St. to Georgia Ave.
Car signs: northbound, "LEDRIOT PARK"; southbound, "WHARVES."

Is it just me or does that sound like a screwy route?

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At 3/20/2009 5:14 PM, Blogger Fredo said...

I did a rough sketch of this route in Google Maps:

The route's a little convoluted, and some of the streets it went through don't seem to exist anymore, particularly by the Waterfront area.

At 3/20/2009 5:54 PM, Blogger John Mitchell said...

When did B St get renamed as Independence Ave?

At 3/21/2009 4:38 PM, Blogger IMGoph said...

well, it sure looks like the current G2 route incorporates the ledroit end of this line...


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