Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Oral History

One of the things they teach you in library school (colleges of information studies/science, whatever) is where to find information. You've got your information in books, on-line, other print media and the written word has value. Then there is getting information from people, because really who writes the books, the government reports, the news articles, and the on-line content? People. And when you don't want to flip through a zillion pages of stuff to find the answer, it is sometimes just easier to find an expert and ask them directly.
Yesterday, I hung out with the Davitts, the experts of Bladgen Alley and Naylor Court. I learned a lot, and got a history lesson on late-mid century Washington, DC social and political life. And that history, considering that several of the players then are still alive and involved, is still shaping and coloring the social and political climate of 2008.
I've talked with a number of folks in and around the area. People who grew up around here and left. People who grew up around here and stayed. People who were involved with this or that thing. And I have been told, I need to talk to so-in-so. And as some of the really old timers who are hitting 80 and beyond, or 50 with a bunch of health issues, I know I should try to talk (and better yet interview & record) to, as well as others.



At 6/19/2008 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may have seen the history of Mt Vernon Sq neighborhood written by some sociology students and posted on their nabe site. Could you do something like this for the Truxton Circle?

At 6/20/2008 7:45 AM, Blogger Mari said...

I may have seen the MVSQ material.
It seems I may be too late with one resident as I noticed there is a lockbox on his door.


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